Rust syntax shapes

Buy Tickets

Buy your tickets to Rust Nation UK 2024 and join hundreds of leading developers from across the Rust community for 3 days of talks, networking and socials.

The conference kicks off on Tuesday, a workshop day that offers hands-on training and interactive sessions to enhance your Rust skills. Wednesday and Thursday follow with insightful talks and presentations from renowned keynote speakers. With multi speaker tracks covering a wide range of Rust-related topics, you'll have plenty of opportunities to dive into the latest trends and advancements in the language.

Our refund policy is up to 30 days prior to the event.

Personal Affordability

Applications for personal affordability tickets are now closed. Thank you to everybody who submitted an application. We will be in touch shortly.

Group Purchases

If you are looking to purchase tickets for a large groups then please get in touch to discuss pricing.

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